
50 Days of Python - A Challenge a Day

50 Days of Python Book Cover

This book offers a unique set of challenges designed to help you grasp the essentials of the Python language as you start your journey to create remarkable things with Python. These challenges are perfect for someone who is just starting their Python journey or someone trying to refresh their knowledge of Python fundamentals. Unlike most of the challenges that you find online that are quite intimidating for beginners, this book is designed to give new learners a gentle introduction to Python challenges. By completing these manageable challenges, you will build the knowledge, problem-solving skills, and confidence that you need to go on and do great things with Python.  This book contains over 80 challenges that cover the fundamentals of Python. You will master these fundamentals by completing a challenge or two each day. Are you ready to be challenged?

Python Fundamentals Covered in the Book

  • Functions: You will be challenged to create functions, reinforcing your knowledge of modular programming, which is one of the cornerstones of Python.
  • Data Types & Structures: Various challenges, will test your knowledge on various data types and structures, such as strings, dictionaries, sets, tuples, floats, integers etc.
  • Classes: Python is an Object Oriented programming Language(OOP). You will be challenged to create your own object using the class blueprint.
  • Modules: You will be challenged to work with various modules that are available to streamline your Python code.
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: Being able to control the flow of your program is an essential Python skill. Various challenges will help use Python’s conditional statements and loops with confidence.
  • File Handling: You will be challenged to work with text files, CSV files, and even JSON files
  • Error Handling: Programmers are required to write robust programs. You will be challenged to write code that can handle runtime errors.
  • SQL: You will be challenged to work with database by writing some SQL queries. This will introduce you to SQL, the language of  databases.
  • Building Websites: Yes, you will create a web page with Python! This book will show you how.

Why Conquer Challenges?

It is essential that you do challenges as you learn Python as it is the only sure way to fully master the fundamentals. By tackling these challenges, you’ll solidify your Python knowledge in a way that traditional learning can’t match. You’ll identify and address any knowledge gaps along the way, leaving you brimming with Python confidence by the time you finish this book.

Ready to start on your Python problem-solving adventure? Let’s go!

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